About Us » School GOALS

School GOALS

School Goal #1 - Higher     
Literacy and Achievement

To improve achievement for all students in Literacy (Reading or Writing)
  1. 80% of NVE students from grades 1-3 will show growth of 2 or more levels in the Fountas and Pinnell Assessment by June of 2019.
  2. 80% of NVE students from grades 4-6 will show growth of 1 level in the Fountas and Pinnell Assessment by June of 2019.
  3. In one unit of science study the teachers will conduct a pre and post assessment for students on the vocabulary words within that unit. All students from grades 1 to 6 will be able to successfully identify and understand 80% of the vocabulary words on the post assessment by May 31st, 2019. ​

School Goal #2

To improve Math Skills in all students
80% of the students in grades 3 to 6 will achieve a score of adequate or higher in the post number strand assessments by May 31st, 2019
80% of the students in grades 1 and 2 will achieve a score of adequate or higher in the post number strand assessments for each outcome by May 31st, 2019.